Thursday 6 September 2012

Final Watercolour Fox

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

Finished fox; scanned and slightly photoshop, only played around with the levels. Wished I'd scanned it in before I out lined it first though...I'm in desperate need for some new fine liner pens! Hate drawing without them, though I should learn not to! Hopefully more watercolour animals soon, and hopefully they get better!

Step By Step Watercolour Fox

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

Today I watched Disney's 'The Fox And The Hound' and 'Robin Hood' and it made me really want to draw a fox! I don't think i've ever drawn a fox in my life, let alone watercolour one... But for my first fox I thought this was pretty good. I know its not perfect, I don't want my work to ever look "perfect" just a way that satisfies me, just need a little more practice and I think it will be just right :)

Watercolour Panda's

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

As i've been doing alot of water colour biscuits drawing, i've wanted to try something different with watercolours! So I thought I would give a go at watercolouring some animals, panda's were on top of the list of course. These were just some rough paintings, I haven't really tried painting animals before but i seemed to really enjoy it. I always seem to change my style alot...not sure if thats a good thing or not.