Thursday 6 September 2012

Final Watercolour Fox

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

Finished fox; scanned and slightly photoshop, only played around with the levels. Wished I'd scanned it in before I out lined it first though...I'm in desperate need for some new fine liner pens! Hate drawing without them, though I should learn not to! Hopefully more watercolour animals soon, and hopefully they get better!

Step By Step Watercolour Fox

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

Today I watched Disney's 'The Fox And The Hound' and 'Robin Hood' and it made me really want to draw a fox! I don't think i've ever drawn a fox in my life, let alone watercolour one... But for my first fox I thought this was pretty good. I know its not perfect, I don't want my work to ever look "perfect" just a way that satisfies me, just need a little more practice and I think it will be just right :)

Watercolour Panda's

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

As i've been doing alot of water colour biscuits drawing, i've wanted to try something different with watercolours! So I thought I would give a go at watercolouring some animals, panda's were on top of the list of course. These were just some rough paintings, I haven't really tried painting animals before but i seemed to really enjoy it. I always seem to change my style alot...not sure if thats a good thing or not.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Mixed Biscuits

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

A slight different repeat biscuit pattern, but still love. The brown biscuit pattern is slightly different to the colour, as I added drop shadow and outer glow effects to make it abit more 3D.

Monday 20 August 2012

Repeating Yummy Biscuits

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

Repeat biscuit patterns, all of your favourite biscuits rolled into one...or two! Left: Bourbon, ice gems, nice. Right: party rings and ice gems. These are my favourites :)

Nice Biscuits

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

The Sweet Sugar taste of the Nice busiuits, these remind me of my nan and her biscuit tin...I would always go for these! A3 image in water colour paints.

Chocolate Bourbons

Copy right of Kerrie Warwick

 The classic chocolate bourbon, another biscuit which I haven't had for years! Still in water colour paints, top image is original and two below are playing around with different shades of brown on photoshop.